Cape Fear Drilling's owner, Chris Deal has an audacious goal. He wants to give water to 1 million people. We believe that all people should have access to safe clean water. People in areas throughout the world often walk miles through treacherous territory just to obtain water on a daily basis. We are so excited to be able to pursue the goal of providing water to others through Gospel for Asia (http://www.gfa.org/) (http://www.gfa.org/ministries/jesuswells/). We have been donating monthly to facilitate the drilling of a well every month this year, in a community or village in need across the globe.
It is my understanding that the wells were originally the idea of a pastor, who sought to provide water for a village, where people of a particular religion were persecuted for their beliefs by being banned from the community well. His prayers were answered when his village received a well and since that time the mission of providing water to many villages has grown. Through fruition of the pastor's dream, the water provided is free to all people, regardless of religion.
We thank you for supporting world water needs by doing business with us and we warmly invite you to join us in this effort, perhaps through Gospel for Asia or another venue. Everyone needs water and we believe that the giver is the one who has the most to gain by providing one of life's basic necessities, clean water, to those in need. (Also, if you are aware of another way to help those in need of clean water, please reach out to us at office@capefeardrilling.com. We'd love to hear about the opportunity.)